We’re having a good olde fashioned blogger link-up this week on the roundup. Here’s a list of posts from brilliant, inspiring, touching and thought-provoking bloggers who you should be reading if you’re not already.

If you’ve come across something interesting, or have written something awesome, and want to share it with a new audience, drop it in the comments section for everyone to check out! Everyone is welcome to join in.

And a little program note: I start full time work tomorrow *deer caught in headlights* and I’m in complete denial. Posting might be a little slow over the next few days as I figure out how to juggle writing, working, commuting (3 hours!!) and taking care of Eryn. Rest assured, WT will be up and running as soon as I figure things out — or run away — whatever comes first.


  • Nahida, the fatal feminist, gets her ire up and tackles the Barrier.
  • Msleetobe tackles what it means to be a Canadian working abroad in the middle of a dangerous situation in her post, On Living on the Sort of Edge.

There you have it! Don’t forget to link up in the comments section 🙂